Профессиональное образование:
Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews Biochemistry

автор: Pamela C Champe, Richard A Harvey, Denise R Ferrier
Профессиональное образование: Медицина и здравоохранение
Общее образование: https://t.me/Ant_Security
Типы: Учебник, учебное пособие
Аудитория: https://t.me/Ant_Security
Уровень образования: Высшее
чыккан жылы: 2007
жүктөлгөн убакыт: 2015-11-11 16:56:31
Көрүүлөр: 498
желеде окуу

Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry enables students to quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of complex information by utilizing powerful visual resources that deliver the focus and clarification needed for mastery of difficult biochemical concepts. Its signature outline format, full-color illustrations, and end-of-chapter summaries and USMLE-style review questions make it one of the most user-friendly books in the field.
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